Auszug Pressemappe



BC  3rd Edition


September 03 - 23, 2021






Barcelona, Spain | September 03 - 23, 2021 BARCELONA CONTEMPORARY, organized by ITSLIQUID Group, will be held in Barcelona, at Valid World Hall Gallery from September 03 to September 23, 2021.


BARCELONA CONTEMPORARY is a contemporary art fair that presents collective and solo projects by leading and emerging international artists. The second edition has been a success with more than 70 artists on stage, now everything is ready for the 3rd edition which will represent a forum for direct exchange of ideas and contacts between collectors, artists, photographers, designers and art professionals. The art fair features paintings, sculptures, photography art, installations, video art and live performance.


BARCELONA CONTEMPORARY 2021 analyzes the relationship between body and space, and the hybridization between identities and cultural/physical/social/urban settings in contemporary time, through two main sections:


MIXING IDENTITIES and FUTURE LANDSCAPES. MIXING IDENTITIES analyzes the hidden parts of our identities, through an immersive experience inside the fascinating universe of the complex labyrinths of our consciousness. The human body is a changing system that connects us with other bodies and spaces to perceive the surrounding reality; a strong communication system with its own language and infinite ways of expression.


FUTURE LANDSCAPES are abstract, infinite and conceptual, associated with a sense of freedom and infinite extension. Primarily experienced with the mind, spaces redefining their limits and borders, transforming surfaces in an open flow of pure ideas. This section focuses on the concept of the borders and the structures between body, mind and soul, the human identity and the city, the space and the ground.


ITSLIQUID GROUP Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33 70122 Bari, Italy Calle Larga S. Marco, 374 30124 Venezia, Italy T. +39.0804117337 M. +39.3387574098


The third edition of BARCELONA CONTEMPORARY will have as its "fil rouge" the concept of identity that is often found in the old traditions to which the human race, willing or unwilling, is linked. A sort of osmosis between what is the territory of origin and the personality that makes each individual unique and unrepeatable. An emotional climax binds the different works of the different artists presented in this edition, where the colors, the lights and the techniques used are the masters.




Valid World Hall Gallery c/ Buenaventura Muñoz 6,


08018 Barcelona, Spain


September 04 - 23, 2021


Tuesday - Friday | 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM and 05:00 PM - 08:00 PM Saturday | 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM


OPENING September 03, 2021 | 07:00 PM


Free entry



Press release

                                                                            Auszug Pressemappe

BC - 24.06.2021 - 11.07.2021

BARCELONA CONTEMPORARY, organized by ITSLIQUID Group, is pleased to open its doors in Barcelona, at Valid World Hall Gallery from June 24 to July 11, 2021



BARCELONA CONTEMPORARY is a contemporary art fair that presents collective and solo projects by leading and emerging international artists. The 2nd edition will represent a forum for direct exchange of ideas and contacts between collectors, artists, photographers, designers, and art professionals. The art fair features paintings, sculptures, photography art, installations, video art and live performance. The Art Fair analyses the relationship between body and space, and the hybridization between identities and cultural/physical/social/urban settings in contemporary time, through two main sections: MIXING IDENTITIES and FUTURE LANDSCAPES.


MIXING IDENTITIES analyses the hidden parts of our identities, through an immersive experience inside the fascinating universe of the complex labyrinths of our consciousness. The human body is a changing system that connects us with other bodies and spaces to perceive the surrounding reality, a strong communication system with its own language and infinite ways of expression.


FUTURE LANDSCAPES are abstract, infinite, and conceptual, associated with a sense of freedom and infinite extension. Primarily experienced with the mind, spaces redefining their limits and borders, transforming surfaces in open flow of pure ideas. This section focuses on the concept of the borders and the structures between body, mind and soul, the human identity and the city, the space, and the ground.





Valid World Hall Gallery

c/ Buenaventura Muñoz 6, 08018 Barcelona, Spain

June 24 – July 11, 2021

Tuesday - Friday | 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM and 05:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Saturday | 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM

OPENING June 24, 2021 | 07:00 PM

Free entry


Press release

Auszug Pressemappe

CANVAS - London International Art Fair 15.04.2021 - 14.05.2021  l  Mixing Identities

ITSLIQUID Group, in collaboration with YMX Arts, is pleased to announce the opening of MIXING IDENTITIES, third appointment of CANVAS - London International Art Fair. Curated by Arch. Luca Curci, MIXING IDENTITIES will be presented in London at THE LINE Contemporary Art Space from April 15 to May 14, 2021. The word “canvas” was used for the first time in Italy in the 14th century and it has become the most common support medium for oil painting, replacing wooden panels. During the centuries, the canvas’ meaning has changed, starting from paintings, through the photographic and cinematographic film, exploring the human body, to the digital world. Canvas is the creatives’ common ground, on which they can express themselves. We invited all the artists to share their personal artistic research through any kind of media, from painting to sculptures and installation, from photography to videoart and live performance.


The concept of MIXING IDENTITIES is based on the reconstruction of new identities: the transformation of our identities is essential to face the changes of the contemporary world. The process of building ourselves passes through the continuous relations with other people’s identities and the identities of communities, cultures and societies. The event will be focused on the human body as a changing system that connects us with other bodies and spaces to perceive the surrounding reality, a strong communication system with its own language and infinite ways of expression. We invited artists to analyse the hidden parts of our identities, through an immersive experience inside the fascinating universe of the complex labyrinths of our consciousness.






THE LINE Contemporary Art Space


The Forge, 397-411 Westferry Rd, Island Gardens, Isle of Dogs, London E14 3AE April 15 - May 14, 2021


11:00 AM - 04:00 PM | Monday - Friday Free entry | By appointment only




Press release


Auszug Pressemappe







ITSLIQUID Group, in collaboration with Venice Events and ACIT Venice Italian-German Cultural Association, is proud to announce FRAGMENTED IDENTITIES, second appointment of BORDERS Art Fair 2020 that will be held in Venice at THE ROOM Contemporary Art Space and at Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello, from September 03 to October 02, 2020. The festival focuses on the concept of “borders”, between the soul and the body, the human being and the city, the city and the ground. The festival analyzes the idea of human and urban borders, how people live them and how they are modified in contemporary society. Every human being lives in a world in which the limits, the borders, shape their attitudes and behaviors, limiting the freedom and creating a sense of alienation. The human being reacts breaking the limits and finding a new way of life. We imagine a world of “liquid cities”, where differences create new possibilities instead of being social barriers. Human identities are both separated and related one to another into a big mosaic that complete the existence and the world culture. All the identities can be considered as fragmented pieces of human being, ready to be unique and shareable in a universe with physical limits. In art people are mixed together in a melting pot of sensation and fluctuating emotions. The challenge is to see all those fragmented identities, recognize and use them to see things through many different points of view and imagination in order to broke all barriers and boundaries of every day’s life and to create the relationship between man and space, including man-built and natural spaces. There is not a unique perspective on our unconscious beings and identities, showing how things are rarely whole or perfect.


During the opening, on the occasion of the Venice Film Festival, the film and theatre director Paolo De Falco will have a talk about his artistic work in Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello.







THE ROOM Contemporary Art Space Calle Larga San Marco 374 - Venice, Italy 09:30AM - 05:30PM | Monday - Friday


OPENING September 03, 2020 By appointment only




Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello Cannaregio 4118 - Venice, Italy 10:00AM - 06:00PM | Monday - Friday


OPENING September 04, 2020 By appointment only



Press release





Der Mensch im Vordergrund


Die Galerie S.L.C zeigt ab 8. Februar erstmals zeitgenössische Werke von acht renommierten Künstlern in Bilk – Moderne Inhalte in klassischem Gewand



Der Düsseldorfer Stadtteil Bilk hat einiges zu bieten, viel Grün etwa, eine abwechslungsreiche Gastronomie und ein beachtliches Kulturangebot. Und dieses wird nun um eine zusätzliche Facette bereichert: Am Freitag, 8. Februar, öffnet an der Bilker Allee 79 die Galerie S.L.C um 18 Uhr erstmals ihre Tore. Gezeigt werden zeitgenössische Werke von insgesamt acht Künstlern, die fast alle eine besondere Beziehung zu Düsseldorf haben. Auch das Konzept der Galerie ist außergewöhnlich.


Nicht ein Galerist im herkömmlichen Sinne kuratiert im „studio liberello contemporary fine art“. Es sind die beiden S.L.C-Initiatoren Pepita Basilius und André d´Orcay, selbst Maler, die hier Kunstschaffende um sich versammeln. Man gehe bei der Auswahl künstlerisch vor, nicht nur was die Qualität der Arbeiten angehe, erläutert André d´Orcay. „ In nahezu jedem Werk steht der Mensch im Vordergrund, dazu auch Fragen zum Naturbezug.“ Doch noch etwas anderes verbindet die renommierten Künstler: Fast ausnahmslos durchliefen sie die Staatliche Kunstakademie Düsseldorf.


Dies gilt etwa für die japanische Künstlerin Kaori Hiraiwa, die in ihren Temperabildern die klassischen Tuschzeichnungen aus Ihrer Heimat in Verbindung setzt zur europäischen Malerei des 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert. Joseph Sracic greift in seinen Werken dagegen Erfahrungen aus seiner amerikanischen Herkunft auf, im Vordergrund stehen persönliche Erlebnisse, die er in seiner Malerei bis ins Surreale steigert. Hauptaspekt in den Gouachen von Dirk Loiberzeder ist hingegen der Kampf, die zuweilen in der Frage nach der Endlichkeit der Existenz des Menschen gipfeln können.


Die holländische Malerei findet derweil in den Bildern von Jonathan Auth Anklang und wird von ihm in ein eigenständiges Farbvokabular übersetzt. Die grundlegenden Begriffe der Arbeit von Oliver Kolibabka sind hingegen Licht und Luft. Strich und Farbfläche sind seine Mittel. In der aktuellen Ausstellung sind von der amerikanischen Künstlerin Melanie Maria Ciccone erstmals in Düsseldorf die Drucke „Flesh and Blood I und II“ zu sehen. Hinzu kommen archaische Traumbilder von

Pepita Basilius sowie die mit starken Strichen festgehaltenen Zeichnungen von André d´Orcay.


„Wir alle stehen für moderne Inhalte in zeitlosem, klassischem Gewand“, sagen die beiden Galerie-Initiatoren. Um die Werke zu entdecken, lohnt sich zweifellos der Gang durch die beiden Tore in den Innenhof an der Bilker Allee, wo sich die neuen Ausstellungsräume befinden. Nach der Eröffnung am 8. Februar ist die aktuelle Schau, der von nun an regelmäßig weitere folgen werden, noch bis zum 17. Februar täglich zwischen 15 und 18 Uhr sowie nach Vereinbarung zu sehen.




Galerie S.L.C . Bilker Allee 79 . 40219 Düsseldorf


Eröffnung am Freitag, 8. Februar um 18 Uhr; weitere Öffnungszeiten: 9. bis 17. Februar, jeweils 15 bis  18 Uhr


Mit Werken von: Jonathan Auth . Pepita Basilius . Melanie Maria Ciccone . André d´Orcay . KaoriHiraiwa . Dirk Loiberzeder . Oliver Kolibabka . Joseph Sracic

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© Galerie S.L.C - Malerei,, alle Rechte vorbehalten 1999- 2025 Pepita Basilius und André d´Orcay für alle Abbildungen und Texte